Sarge: You spent too much time in a foxhole and forgot to "call us to attention". However I'm glad you reminded me of what " standing at attention was" as we forgot a lot of that stuff was and really needed a refresher course. which was neglected. Far as "riding the range", no way, we made use of the "friendly natives" for that and K.P.. Maybe I need to get glasses as I see no hands in pockets and we were not called to attention and no one there to call " dress right, dress" (if I remember right) . Only times we carried weapons (outside of our concealed captured pistols ) was for a occasional two hour guard duty tour at the company Hdq. and standing Retreat. My main duty was goiing out with 2 other ex hunters and bringing in some Raebuck and Heirsh (sp. ?) to give the mess Sgt. a change of menu, which was nice .
Roque: Billet: A place with a roof, door, windows, place to sleep, indoor plumbing, heat, and normal conviences,not to be confused with 2 shelter halfs or a tent.. Got to admit it took some getting used to. But we were told that this is how people should live when possible. Only time I lived in a tent after wars end in ETO was in Camp Lucky Strike in Le Harve, France for a week while waiting to board the ship home. Our Commanding Gen. "Iron Mike O'daniels" took care of us.
J3rd :- LISTEN UP I WON"T SAY THIS AGAIN!! Verstanden!!
When you are ordered to "Fall In" that means AT ATTENTION so NO command is needed!!
God you are also getting forgetful as well as deaf. To these old eyes you right hand appears to be in your pocket - if it is take it out and assume the position. Also you should automatically execute a "Dress Right Dress" to check your interval when you "Fall In". Again, NO command is needed.
I feel for you with your week in a tent at Lucky Strike(Again Geez!!)
Short Story:-
Your reference to the weapons reminds me of the Nitwit Officer at the Arles Staging Area who thought it would be a good idea to sharpen our shooting skills while we waited to go to the PTO so he arranged for us to go to a Firing Range to practice. Even though our Bn Co. was killing himself laughing at this A-H**E he made him call the exercise off before one of the Range Command got killed. I knew he was in big trouble when a guy in my Co. asked the Range Officer(with a straight face) "How do I put this bullet in the weapon when they are packed in clips of 8 - it just takes forever!!.
You should have kept all those extra clothes on and you could have done your laundry at the same time.
Are you 2 sure you were on our side??
Sgtleo - now you've given me a headache so I'll have to go lie down somewhere