:alien2: :alien2:
I haven't heard or even thought of a Lister Bag for what seems forever.
Training in Florida with the 79th we used to buy ice from a local to put in
the bags and it made the water more palatable when itwas cold. This sets
the stage for a story that is Gospel Truth.
We had a guy from Texas,that honest Injun,believed in GHOSTS so we got
permission from the Cadre guys to set him up with a few men telling Ghost
stories. While this was being done - me(of course) and another guy stood
with our hands in the Lister Bag which now had almost ice water in it. We
were in the Large Plt. tents with the sides rolled up to get any air that we
could and he was laying on his cot in his scivvies. Sneaking up behind him,
we started screamimg like a Banshee and clamped our COLD hands on his
chest and stomach. Little did we know he was going to wet his pants and
then faint dead away. A Medic that was in the tent realized how bad this guy
was and after reviving him took him to the hospital.
When the Medic got back we got chewed out long wide and deep because
it was his and the Drs. at the hospital that we had nearly given this guy a
for real heart attack. We then knew we were in deep Doo Doo because the
guy we scared could have died from fright and they had to transfer him to
another Plt. as he refused to come back to the same one as we were in.
Company Punishment followed of course with threats of a Courts Martial if
he did in fact die or had to be discharged. I was only 18 and thought it was
a howl but what I did not know was how serious it could have been.
Answer to the Question on the mattress cover is the Cadre Men and other
Regulars told us that this was what your remains would go in until Graves
Registration Units made a more permanent container. So we were told "you
are carrying your casket when you pack your mattress cover.