This series has tugged at my heart on more than one occasion. For one thing, the people being interviewed all remind me of my own parents & their friends. My Dad has been gone since 1996, but I think of him as a 17 year old kid whenever I see films of The Navy in the Pacific Theatre, and whenever they show a wide shot of all those ships I think about him. I stopped asking him about the war when I was still quite little, so there are very few bits of conversation I remember, but I will never forget him talking about how loud all those Navy guns were when they were shelling the islands, or how sad it made him when they had to retrieve the bodies of the Marines after the invasion of Peliliu in particular. He seldom spoke of things like that, and preferred to talk about the fond memories he had of his Navy buddies. All his life he had a wish that he might someday return to the Phillapine Islands, but he never found the time to do it. I'm sure this is true of most WWII veterans, although I can certainly understand those who never want to see those places again. I got off track here for a moment. I really just wanted to express how much I am enjoying this fine documentary series!