Pardon me for hijacking the topic, but what did HE have to say?
He said that he was afraid of her at first because he'd grown up hearing the stories, but soon found that she was very nice and an excellent tipper. He didn't mention the muffins though. I wonder what kind they were?
When I was in high school, Lizzie was my secret weapon. When things got really bad at home and my parents were on a spree of telling me how bad I was because I wasnt ....whatever there tirade at the time was, I found that going to the library and taking out a book on Lizzie Borden and say.....leaving it on the coffee table usually quieted things down a little. I used to love the Elizabeth Montgomery movie where she played Lizzie, I would feign absoloute attention to the film whenever they ran it on TV. That usually earned me a quiet evening.