Chatting with a member of the 1251st


I find that dropping something heavy and metal while screaming "Holy Cow there's a Moose in the yard!!!" usually gets them up. Once they've shot out of bed and their heart is pounding they'll be ready to dig into the presents.

Interesting links on the cigarette camps. I wonder if there is a comprehensive book out there on the camps and day to day life there.

I'm off to a friends for dinner and to exchange gifts. Tommorrow back to the grind. Saturday I'm having 14 people over for an evening of good friends and bad wine. I have several bottles of wines of questionable pedigree that I want to get rid of....I'm looking forward to "Tears of Gettysburg", a Cabernet from Pennsylvania (life is a Cabernet old chum). Hopefully it won't bring the guests to tears.


Messages In This Thread
Chatting with a member of the 1251st - by civilwargal - 12-05-2007, 09:01 PM
Chatting with a member of the 1251st - by civilwargal - 12-25-2007, 01:10 PM
Chatting with a member of the 1251st - by wjmitc - 02-17-2009, 09:56 PM
Chatting with a member of the 1251st - by kc7451 - 02-07-2012, 09:53 PM

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