Pictures from my holiday in normandy August 2007

I must say I am incredibly jealous. If were more of a Civil War buff, I would be in hog heaven here on the east coast, but as a WWII buff there is not much here to see state-side. As a Marine I might get to Iwo Jima or some other Pacific battle sites (I have been to Okinawa), but I could spend months in Europe soaking in the more and the less traveled battle sites from both world wars. I guess its better not to have 2 devastating conflicts rage across one's soil in a generation, but as the descendants of that generation, you certainly have a wealth of history at your fingertips.


Take care,

Todd O.

Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien

Messages In This Thread
Pictures from my holiday in normandy August 2007 - by CaptO - 02-01-2008, 02:24 PM

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