...At approximately 0330A, Pvt Zerface, Co. "E" fatally wounded when accidentally run over by dukw, while asleep in his tent.
This is serious business! In the areas we occupy for training we have a "ground guide" walking in front of the vehicle when it comes into an area where people are working and sleeping. This way you limit the speed of the vehicle and you also prevent (in most cases) running over people and gear. In the 8+ years of being active duty I've only seen a machine gun (a Mk-19 40mm automatic grenade launcher) run over. I have heard of others killed, however, in these sorts of accidents in other units. It doesn't surprise me at all that casualties of this type would happen 63ish years ago when you have the weight of the German army causing all sorts hate and discontent to contribute to the fog of war.
It’s always a sad thing no matter what the circumstance.