Gray Eagles P51

Twobisquit--thanks for thinking of me. Went Easter Sunday for the MRI,

but guess what--the machine stopped after about 20 mins and the tech.

asked me if I could lay there and see if he could start it up again..

I politely said, NOT NO BUT HELL NO. It has been rescheduled for

April 20. I called the Doctor and he said I had to take is so he is

getting me a sedative for then. Better be a quart of Tequila !!!!!

Concern about a spot on the left ear canal. Roque


Messages In This Thread
Gray Eagles P51 - by twobisquit - 03-25-2008, 10:09 PM
Gray Eagles P51 - by Walt's Daughter - 03-26-2008, 09:05 AM
Gray Eagles P51 - by twobisquit - 03-26-2008, 10:04 PM
Gray Eagles P51 - by roque_riojas - 03-26-2008, 10:36 PM
Gray Eagles P51 - by Walt's Daughter - 03-26-2008, 11:30 PM
Gray Eagles P51 - by twobisquit - 03-27-2008, 09:39 PM
Gray Eagles P51 - by Walt's Daughter - 03-28-2008, 12:04 PM

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