S-3 Journal For Month March 1944
The month of March, the regiment continued to operate the beaches and harbor at Anzio, Italy. The 1st battalion operated X-Ray Beach and the 2nd battalion operated Anzio Harbor. The regimental HQ acted as Port HQ, operating all beaches and the port. the harbor area was under shell fire throughout the month. Little damage was actually done ot the port installations.
Due to the excellent cooperation of the Navy and other troops engaged in the harbor operation, the tonnage discharged in March more than doubled the February output.
During the latter part of the month an intensive program was started to clean up the town of Anzio. All buildings were inspected by an engineer and medical detail, and all breeding places for flies and mosquitos were cleaned up.
S.A. Knapp
Major, C.E
Journal for the month of March 1944
March 1, 1944 - Started repairing and fixing up 10th Port HQ building for occupancy to be used as Port HQ. T/5 Lee and road grader, T/5 Hunt from rear echelon to forward.
Daily Journal Report for month of March 1944
1 March 1944: Anzio, Italy. Co "D" approx. 2 miles south of Nettuno, Italy. Removed approx. 500 railroad ties from railroad yards between Nettuno - Anzio, Italy. Cleaned ditches, spread gravel, filled potholes, enlarged roadway and required revetment on culvert. Maintained security defense. Co "E" Anzio, Italy. Security defense of the Anzio - Nettuno beaches. Rescue and road patrol for the towns of Anzio - Nettuno. Fire patrol for the towns of Anzio - Nettuno. Filled shell holes on main Anzio- Nettuno road. Improving bivuoac area. Co "F" operating port of Anzio, Italy. Maintained security defense of port area and X-Ray beach. Unloaded from port of Anzio, Italy as follows: Class I, 109 tons, Class II & IV - 160 tons, Class III, 245 tons, Class V - 580 tons, total tonnage discharged -1094 tons. Personnel disembarked - 1355, supply vehichles - 99, tracked vehicles - 84, trailed vehicles - 41, all others - 118, total vehicles discharged - 342. reloaded as follows: Personnel - 306, casualties - 509, prisoners of war - 250, supply vehicles - 211, all others - 4. Air raid at approx. 2310a, during this raid bombs were dropped on building where "F" Co was billeted, causing considerable damage to the building; the following casualties resulted - 11 men known dead, 11 missing, 12 hospitalized. The two medical aid men attached to Co "F" , killed in action during this raid. S/Sgt Lovett, Co "E", and Pvt lcl Pederson, Co "D", reported as missing in action as of 24 January, 1944. These men were evacuated to hospital ship during initial phases of operation on beachhead, ship on which they were evacuated on was reported sunk, they were not listed as survivors.
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"