Roque is absolutely right. My dear Aunt gave very wise advice when she told me:
"If you ever get into terrible trouble and don't know what to do - just be led by Holy Spirit and you will be alright." In the times when I've been so weighed down & overcome with grief or fear, I've often said: "Lord, I know this is my burden to carry - but could you just take it from me for a few hours so I can sleep/rest and then I'll pick it back up again."
I swear to you that the Lord has always answered that prayer.
Clearly, part of Art's "mission" was to help you & part of YOUR "mission" was to help Art.
You aren't done yet, Chuck. You may not know what effect your kindness, your friendship, and your memories have on all the people you will see in the next few days.
That too is part of your "mission" for Art.
For weeks after my mother passed, I'd come home from work & put in the video of her 70th birthday party. Everyone that I'd invited had said: "I wouldn't miss a party for Helen for anything!", so it was a HUGE celebration with all her girlfriends from Teachers College, all her nieces & nephews, brothers & sisters, cousins, neighbors, and all of my Dad's family too. It gave me great comfort to see again her joy and surprise when she walked through the doors of the hall & saw everyone. In the last few years of her life, she'd been so sick that I'd almost forgotten when she was well. Watching that video & seeing her going from table to table greeting everyone , I'd say: "No more sickness Mumma, no more oxygen, no more suffering, no more sorrow". In a very small way, this must be what Heaven is like - being engulfed by the perfected love of all those WE'VE loved.
Surely Art is now experiencing joy surpassing anything we can comprehend and it's certain that HE now will be praying for YOU Chuck and - we all will too!
Mary Ann