Capt: Thanks. Now you've got me drooling over the material.Just consider me a 540th junkie!
Danka, gratias and merci.
I look forward to receiving your voice-overs. Things are coming together so well this month. I am a very, very happy camper.
So grateful for all the scanning you do, to bring this stuff to life for all of us. I truly wish your granddad was still with us. I'm sure you and I and your dad, would have a field day with him. What a source of information. We are lucky to have what we have though.
Rocky: Don't feel too bad about being thought of as Italian, etc. The heritage and proximity are very close. After all, we have those Mediterranean genes in our heritage. Your ancestors were originally from Spain, before being Mexican. Mine from Sicily. It's easy to make that mistake. Sometimes it's easy to mistake where someone is from.