New York Tribune dated August 18,1863

Hi gang,

I just picked up my best deal on ebay honest-to-God Civil War era newspaper, in very good condition for it's age. The headlines are full of "current" war news such as the killing of 41 of Quantrell's men in retailiation for the "Lawrence Massacre," The seige of Charleston and retaking of Fort Sumter (expected to happen in the next few days). Too many things to mention, but just incredible to read. I am going to need to have it framed in UV resistant glass as it is pretty frail now especially around the edges. What shocked me the most is that I was the only one who bid on it! In case you are thinking "probably because it's a fake" I can assure you it is not, which anybody could tell by holding it in their's the real deal. I am almost embarrassed to say that I got it for 10 bucks! :armata_PDT_01: I will post a picture later after I scan it.






Messages In This Thread
New York Tribune dated August 18,1863 - by Dogdaddy - 03-28-2007, 04:11 PM

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