Heard back from the Office of History. Sorry, but it doesn't look promising. This is from Michael and co-worker Eric.
Hi, Marion--
Here is Eric Reinert's reply to the inquiry about dui of the 81st:
"I could find no record of an insignia of any sort for the 81st Engineer
Battalion. It's not in the American Society of Military Insignia Collectors
book, nor in the engineer unit motto database they gave me.
"I have located one in the museum collection, at least according to the
catalog (I have not pulled it yet.) However, it is a reproduction, and I
would be very concerned about its authenticity without any other confirming
sources. I can pull it out and scan it, but would not feel comfortable
vouching for it.
"Let me know if she wants me to go ahead and scan it."
I told them to go ahead with the scan, and explained I would forward their letter to you. This way you know where you stand. As Eric stated, he cannot vouch for its authenticity, so keep that in mind.
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"