704th Tank Destroyer Bn Association

Hello from rmiller419, my father was in the 704th TD company "A". He was Ernest Miller, T-5 Medic. The Book you are asking for is no longer in print. There is a copy in the wilington, OH public Library. My father had checked it out a few weeks ago and it had a lot of good info in it. You may email me if you wish. I will give you all the info I have found out in my search. You are right in saying that there are very few left. My father was one of the youngest in 1944 and he is now 84. Feel free to get back with me.

Also, I found a getlemans nunber in PA Al Balgoa,

apparently he is now in seniors home, I am going to try and contact him. How ever he mave have Alzheimer’s so I will see what I can dig up. I would like to know what the Job function of the TD job was. he worked on the tanks. I have some pretty cools pictures from him as well. I have 1 of the original 4th armored Div books, very interesting stuff.

I reallly appreciate it, as my grandfather and father a both now gone and I am reaching to get the information passed on to my Nephew.


Messages In This Thread
704th Tank Destroyer Bn Association - by Grandfather 704th - 11-23-2009, 07:25 PM

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