Dear Marion,
I wrote to Gretchen, thank you so much for your help. This is what I wrote her....
Dear Gretchen,
I received an email from Marion Chard and I assume you received it also. I can't tell you how much your writings have helped me in piecing together the military life of my mom, Emilie Jane Proctor. I have a letter written by Robert F. Foster, M.D., Historian that he read at the Annual Reunion of the Fiftieth Hospital in Fort Lawton WA on May 7, 1965 that help a lot but your article was much more in depth and personal and gave me a much better idea of what it was like. I was amazed at the trials all you nurses went through, that generation was definitely made of more sterner stuff then of the women of today, especially with the military being so male oriented. Mom didn't have an easy life after the military but she was always talking about the life she lead back then and the very strong bond that was made between you nurses.
I have also been in contact with several people through the web page below. It is a forum regarding the 50th General Hospital and it will probably put you in contact with others that you knew or their children.
Marlis Wilson
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"