The Brits and Irishmen At Anzio

There's a link to this BBC webpage on M1's mainpage,

but thought it'd be appropriate to look at the Anzio category this week.


Bill Donnelly reminds us all of the tremendous courage

and sacrifice made by so many men (nothing average about them, they were

heroes all!).


I particularly noticed this page because Bill was from a village

near my grandparents homes in Roscommon Ireland.


Bill was KIA at Anzio on Feb 23rd or 24th 1944. They had to write home

to his family that he has no known grave, no known place of burial. His name

is now recorded at the Cassino Memorial "Remembered With Honor".


The letter from his buddy Cpl Collins to Bill's sister tells of his bravery

and the fact that he owed his life to him.


Remembering with honor all who were there, all with "no known graves",

and especially all our British friends today.




Messages In This Thread
The Brits and Irishmen At Anzio - by 206thmpco - 01-24-2008, 02:12 PM

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