Hey I noticed this tonight. Did you think it was going to by my omniscient eye?
Just want to be sure that, since I do voice my opinion here from time to time, no one assumes I am talking as a public affairs officer for the Marine Corps. This is not so much for the regulars so much as the casual guests. I would also add that it is sort of a CYA on my part.
Now you have me curious as I wonder why he was he thought the Bailey was crap, was that a general US reaction or was Col Stout having a bad day?
I will have to watch the movie again, but I think it was just the colonel asking when were they going to get the bridging gear up to the point where it will do some good - with all of the "war is on and there's only one stinking road to get all of the gear, soldiers, and refuges through" excitement. My guess from my experience in the military [Warning! Warning! Opinion alert!!] is not that the colonel had any animus toward British engineering gear so much as anything non-infantry. Most infantry, (especially in the Marine Corps where the infantry is everything and everything is designed to support the grunt with a gun) have little interest in the whys and wherefores of the gear that supports them, only that it does support them.