It's amazing how intolerant these "open minded" students are. There's no attempt at dialogue, just jeers and name calling. The word that comes to mind. . .Ignorance. They don't think there is anyone out there wanting to kill them? Cushy little namby-pamby college students are the exact kind of wussiness Islamic Jihadist despise. I can assure you they would have more respect for your average soldier or Marine. They can whistle their political correctness tune past the graveyard all they want, but they will soon see when more people die. Of course you would think this would have happened already with the preponderance of evidence already out there:
Lockerby bombing
'83 US embassy bombing
'83 Beruit Bombing of the Marine Barracks
'98 US embassy bombing
World trade center attack I
World trade center destruction
Kobar towers
DC Sniper
Fort Hood
Bali night club bombing
2002 Moscow theater hostage crisis
7/7 bombings