Hello Enrico I hope this gets to you. Yes I plan to go to Italy on April 17 or 18. Matteo Incerti,(matte@gmail.com) has invited me to go. Iam planning to go
to Rome and spend a day there, then he is going to fix it for us to fly to Bologna on the 21st. for a celebration. Then I want to visit Mt. Pantano, Battapaglia
Monte Cassino,Anzio Volturno River,(we made three crossings) Po valley,etc,etc. This will be a trip of MY LIFETIME. Rocky
O my God this is fantastic!
Now I contact Matteo, to inform me about April 21, because I'd love can meet you in person! I live in Bologna, what better time?
April 25 If you were near Bologna and do not already have other plans, for us would be an honor to have you in Loiano (40 minutes drive from Bologna) for the event that we are organizing them!
My best wishes for your project!