Marion et al,
I saw your email this morning and have actually have had to do work all morning so I hadn't been able to get to it. I hate it when I actually have to do things other than peruse the forum!! Anyway, I have not had myself, nor heard anyone else complain of, these sorts of problems. It sounds like it is either misinformation or perhaps a few isolated incidents that is made to seem like a trend. If, however, I or anyone I know is so afflicted the first place I am coming to gripe would be the forum!
In general, DFAS (Defense Finance and Accounting Service) is pretty spot on. When there are problems, I believe the problem is normally with the local admin sections feeding DFAS the wrong information. One thing is for sure - if there is a problem and you owe them money (as in an overpayment situation) they are quick to act. If they owe you money, well. . . hope you don't start floating checks! Usually, again, the haste or lack thereof is normally on the local S-1 shop.