So I recieved a call from my Aunt tonight. She provided me with a plethora of information in 5 minutes from a box she just found, once seeing the stuff memories and some jotted down info it was all coming back. First off my grandfather was both an infantry man and a combat engineer. He has lapel pins for both - set of rifle cross lapel pins & set of castle lapel pins. She just came across a family tree book, which she apparently filled out probably 15+ years ago with him. There was a section for military service. She states that she has noted talking to him and documented what he told her of his military service. This confirmed that he was in the 106th Infantry Division, 424th Infantry Regiment, but added 7th Army, Company C, Platoon 4. She has a picture of him at Fort Monmouth, NJ with him in uniform with his 106th Division lion patch, and also the 7th army patch (She is going to try and scan it to me in the next few days). She said that before coming back to the states he started driving trucks and working as a mechanic - hence the Engineer part, but didn't know anymore about that division. She also mentioned he sailed from the US to Scotland, then was taken by train to London/England, France (ended here a few times between Belgium and Germany), Belgium, & Germany, then came back through New York I think she said, then discharging several days later. Hmm -now continuing on the hunt, now just need to find actual documentation of this. Good evening for information! LOL
Ok so being new to army structure and such, apparently the 7th Army part would go with the Engineer part, so I am being told? I just googled 7th Army and they were active until March 31, 1946. Guess I should have waited until I got this full packet of info & his picture emailed to me at some point this weekend :)It is still more info that I didn't have.