Pfc Junior Van Noy - MOH recipient

Received an email this week from Bloom, Troy A CIV USA IMCOM


Sgt. Specker was not the only Engineer to receive the CMOH.

What about Pfc. Junior Van Noy? Thanks


I wrote this letter back this morning. Below my letter are some links regarding Pfc Van Noy. I always appreciate hearing from folks about our great engineers!


Dear Troy:


I truly appreciate the heads-up on Mr Van Noy. I will be more than happy to add the facts to our forum later this morning. However upon re-reading any references to Sgt Specker on my forum, I see no indication from either Al Kincer (may he rest in peace), nor myself, making any claims he was the only one. (your subject head: MOH incorrect info)





The following was taken from a great site listing Medal of Honor Recipients from WWII




Rank and organization: Private, U.S. Army, Headquarters Company, Shore Battalion, Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment. Place and date: Near Finschafen, New Guinea, 17 October 1943. Entered service at: Preston, Idaho. Birth: Grace, Idaho. G.O. No.: 17, 26 February 1944. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action with the enemy near Finschafen, New Guinea, on 17 October 1943. When wounded late in September, Pvt. Van Noy declined evacuation and continued on duty. On 17 October 1943 he was gunner in charge of a machinegun post only 5 yards from the water's edge when the alarm was given that 3 enemy barges loaded with troops were approaching the beach in the early morning darkness. One landing barge was sunk by Allied fire, but the other 2 beached 10 yards from Pvt. Van Noy's emplacement. Despite his exposed position, he poured a withering hail of fire into the debarking enemy troops. His loader was wounded by a grenade and evacuated. Pvt. Van Noy, also grievously wounded, remained at his post, ignoring calls of nearby soldiers urging him to withdraw, and continued to fire with deadly accuracy. He expended every round and was found, covered with wounds dead beside his gun. In this action Pvt. Van Noy killed at least half of the 39 enemy taking part in the landing. His heroic tenacity at the price of his life not only saved the lives of many of his comrades, but enabled them to annihilate the attacking detachment.


Here's to Junior Van Noy, and here's to Troy for turning me onto this great engineer hero! :14_1_107v:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Messages In This Thread
Pfc Junior Van Noy - MOH recipient - by Walt's Daughter - 07-01-2008, 07:43 AM
Pfc Junior Van Noy - MOH recipient - by mileng377 - 05-07-2010, 11:39 PM

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