Slave labor Camps



there have been so many camps...

One at one in Verl, one in Verl-Sende, one in Hövelhof, another in Hövelhof-Espeln, all satellite commands of the prisoner camp Oberems at Gütersloh. Only 7 km away there was Stalag 326 (VI K) Senne, you'll find a picture here

and here

I do not know a town named Braunswick, perhaps it should be Braunschweig, 140 km away? I'm afraid there were a lot of of small camps between Verl and Braunschweig.




Messages In This Thread
Slave labor Camps - by theron - 12-23-2011, 12:27 PM
Slave labor Camps - by Christoph - 04-06-2012, 07:00 AM

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