Hello Walt's Daughter!
I do have discharge papers and I really appreciate your kindness to offer the suggestion.
At some point,I will look through all of the items you refer to as possible sources for material.
The Newspaper said it could take them a few days before they have a chance to contact Mr. Norton.
Also at some point, I would like to talk to W.B. Brinegar's daughter. Our conversation might cause her to remember other things about Siegburg. Mr. Norton might also have an idea as to where Brinegar might have gone after Siegburg.
I am curious about which historians she talked to in or about Siegburg. I had a little luck finding someone to help me, but little is about it.
After 67 years, I now am aware of 4 men by name that were actually at that German Hospital: Mr. Norton, Mr. Brinegar, Gidrie (from Louisiana somewhere), and my Dad. The correspondence my Dad sent back from the Hospital shows an address of Stalag 6 G and Siegburg. But the Hospital was in a totally different place than the Prison Camp Stalag 6G.
Thank You again,
Jean J