I wrote you a fairly long response could I of lost it?
Now quickly, Yes, Mallory recently died of Cancer. What a horrible loss for humanity. An absolutely super human being!
Eisenhower Library, did fabulous job of research but no luck. Will take many many hrs. and the thing to help them the most is knowing what outfit my Dad met up with in the German Countryside on around the 20th of March.
You will never believe it - I called Stolz. Long story made short he does not understand me and I do not understand him. But, after just writing him a letter, I did get a test email from him. When it became obvious that I had no clue what the letters were that he was trying to tell me for his email, I tried telling him mine. That was almost as bad but he did it! If you had gotten my last message, you would have probably called him. Anyhow now I will go and copy over the letter to send to him. I mention your first name but now without your approval I will go ahead and mention your last. I assume you will not mind. Everyone should know about you as a researcher!
Candy still unopened. I started craving peanut butter and fortunately had some here. Will be a long week with those sweets here.
Bon Voyage!
Jean J