CIB Authorized To USAAF Personnel?

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A paragraph describes the following:


The ground echelon of the 27th still in the Philippines was evacuated south from Luzon on 25 December to the Bataan Peninsula, arriving to form the 2nd Battalion (27th Bombardment Group) Provisional Infantry Regiment (Air Corp). For the 99 days following the attack on Pearl Harbor until their surrender to the Japanese after the Battle of Bataan, the men of the 27th BG became the only Air Force unit in history to fight as an infantry regiment, and were the only unit to be taken captive in whole. After surrendering, they were forced to endure the infamous Bataan Death March. Of the 880 or so Airmen who were taken, less than half survived captivity.


Attempting to determine of those participated in the Battle of the Philippines as an "infantry regiment" were awarded the Combat Infantry Badge? I am familiar with members of tank units that participated in the battle were.


I have been contacted by a Colonel, USAF, Retired requesting my assistance with the process to be awarded medals due, including the Purple Heart for mistreatment while in captivity.


Thank you,

Robert E. Johnson


Messages In This Thread
CIB Authorized To USAAF Personnel? - by Robersabel - 09-23-2008, 05:31 PM
CIB Authorized To USAAF Personnel? - by Jeeper704 - 09-24-2008, 07:05 AM
CIB Authorized To USAAF Personnel? - by j3rdinf - 09-26-2008, 05:15 PM

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