05-08-2013, 07:53 PM
That's a great story - what are the odds!
As for being armed on a plane, I've done it a few times, but they have always been charter flights. I was the plane commander for a flight from Spain back to the Sates one time and had rounds as well. [being a plane commander isn't as cool as it may sound. It just means that I had to make sure that everyone got mustered in the hanger and got on the plane after having their ID cards scanned and put in the system. There were 320 seats in the plane and 319 souls from about a dozen units. That will teach you to be one of the first 1stLts there at the hanger!] I thought it odd as I thought to myself, "Now where am I going to stow my ammo?"
And welcome aboard - we need some more jarheads around here!