I am so thankful for this forum! For Jean and Christoph, for the men that are still with us to tell what they remember! I am so Thankful!
I have taken the last couple hours to scan the chats and saw, Jean, where your father was the one who told my Dad to watch his language! I can't believe we have been able to reach across time and space to get to this point where their children are communicating! It is truly amazing!
Christoph, I am planning on coming to Germany April 2015, I want to be there for the 70th anniversary of my father's liberation. I so hope and pray you will be there and I can meet you and thank you in person for your help!
Jean, I am speechless at what you have been able to find! I can't wait to hear more, hear more details, as putting those pieces together is what I have hoped for years!
I have talked to many people along this path,including the childlren of the man my father was captured with (Sgt Thicke and he were in the same foxhole when they were captured). I have other information if you are interested.
I'm so thankful! Thank you all! Just incredible!