Christoph, Awesome!
And I just knew you would do it, that is -meeting with the grand daughter. But I did not want to be presumptuous.
But talking to the Cemetery Administrator - That would be incredible!!! And only you could do that!
I just sent off a letter to the gal and then after reading your comment I sent her another little note saying what you said about the visitations.
I mostly wrote her about why factually the body did not disappear at Siegburg. And we know after the War that the Allies had to fill in, with witnesses present, all kinds of forms to prove no War Crimes had been committed - and I told her that.
My supposition is that the expression was symbolic - that the casket was empty - and it made it easier on everyone if they thought like that and eventually it was taken literally.
You know if you ever arranged for something at the Cemetery, that would be one INCREDIBLE ACHIEVEMENT!!! - A Miracle - but probably impossible since everyone has even denied the existence of a Prison Camp there.
Christoph, you would not know this but over here when you talk to WW2 Veterans, the one thing they all say is that they are not Heroes - instead they say 'It is the Men that did not return that are the Real Heroes!'
That little piece of land was filled with Real American Heroes that came from so many different outfits - Army and Air Men included!
You are very kind!
I think all Veterans would be pleased to know that a little spot of land that was dedicated to only the wounded Americans that could not survive
As always, Thank You Christoph!