The things you are providing on this site are priceless! I can not Thank You enough!
My Dad came in on Utah Beach in the 2nd wave. He was with the 4th Division, 22nd Regiment, and he was a Medic in the Medic Battalion that was attached to the 22nd.
I have been researching his story for a long time. That is how I found this amazing website. There was a topic on Siegburg (and there was never anything on Siegburg anywhere) and while the entry was not recent, I knew that I had finally found something of great importance.
It is through this site that I found Christoph, who is amazing and so generous with his time, and who also had a passion to know more about Siegburg! Knowing him has been like a miracle happening in my life!
Larry Duzal came to the Siegburg site late. He too was another miracle. He came around Memorial Day (May) 2013. He was relentless in trying to figure out things - some things that never would be solved if it was not for him. He died Jan. 7, 2014 while I was at a Trade Show. When I returned from the show Marion shared the brutal news with me. I was broken hearted - and still am - some day I will share some of his funny comments that Larry would write after he had done hours and hours of intensive research.
In Larry's honor fairly soon I will have 2 bricks being placed on Magazine Street at the WW2 Museum. I did not want Larry to be alone, and since it was his Dad that was in WW2, I had a brick also made for his Dad. The bricks will be laid next to each other. Soon I will be sending the books from the WW2 Museum and copies of the certificate to Larry's wife.
Vee, it is wonderful to get to know you!