Hopefully you all will find this an interesting addition to the March 17th discussion.
There is a lot of speculation as to what brought the bridge down that day. 11 - V-2 rockets were fired at the bridge on March 17th and most weren't anywhere close to the bridge but there were two that hit fairly close. The 1st fell on the far side of the Rhine and did kill some soldiers that were billeted in a farmhouse. I'm afraid I don't know much about that strike but the 3rd strike of the day hit at 12:25 as B Company of the 284th Engr. B. Bn. was gathering for lunch. 3 soldiers were killed and 35 more injured. As you know the bridge came down shortly after.
Those killed:
LT Louis F. Saas Jr.
Corporal George G. Gardner
PFC James Spinos
C Company Command, Captain Heubach, inspecting V-2 Turbo Pump that hit the C Company CP from the explosion at the B Company CP
C Company Sgt. Lindhom and T/5 Bachand inspecting the combustion chamber.
Official V-2 Report pg. 1
Official V-2 Report pg. 2