Hey guys, It's great to see this topic has such recent activity. It comes at an interesting time. My grandfather, Paul Corzine, who is featured in my profile picture and the reason I posted on these boards, just passed away on February 10. He was 92 and one of the last guys that he knew of who as still around from the 292nd. He was only in the hospital a few days before he passed. As sudden as it was, it was also a blessing that there was so little suffering he had to endure. The funeral was a nice time of remember him and everyone he had touched and helped over the years. Services ended at the graveside with a lovely military honors display from the VFW where they presented my grandmother with the flag from the casket. It was really great. One of his favorite things to do was to go to funerals and visitations to chat and talk with people for hours. He'd have been proud of this one.
As my mom goes through her parents house looking for his will and other important papers (FYI, you should really tell your kids where you put things like that!), she's finding many more photos we had never seen before. Once everything is settled down I will hopefully be able to scan those in and add to the others I put online. They will be found here when I get them online https://www.flickr.com/photos/129969616@N08/ and I'll be sure to update my thread about them when i get them up.
I thankfully have several hours of video footage where I interviewed my grandpa about his WWII experiences and now that he's gone I will eventually make myself sit down and finish editing them so i can share his stories with all of you fine folks.
That's the only update I have for now. It's great to see everyone connecting and sharing.
-SaM Harrison