Hello everyone,
My uncle Charles Crawford served in "A" Company of the 292, and died February 18, 1945. He is buried in Holland, and after my Dad's passing, I have been trying to gather information on his military service. I was pleasantly surprised to see his name on some documents already posted in this forum, and would appreciate any information anyone has on his unit.
Steve Crawford
Hey Steve,
Glad to have you on board, my friend! Hope you are here for the long haul as we are just a bunch of folks who are determined to honor those who sacrificed so much and document one of the many little noted units from WW2. Most if not all of the folks who have banded together here look to share any information that is found so I am sure you will be seeing much more info about the unit in the near future.
Thanks so much for joining our merry band and I look forward to many fruitful discussions.
Proud Grandson of Randall Gates
Mechanic, A and H&S Companies, 292nd Engineer Combat Battalion, 1149th Engineer Combat Group