7 hours ago, buk2112 said:
Hmmm... April 18th 1944, let me think here for a moment. That would have been the 2nd anniversary of the daring Doolittle Raid, nope, don't believe that is it. It was a year to the day that Admiral Yamamoto's plane had been shot down by US forces resulting in his death, still don't think that is it. I'm gonna say it is in reference to the bombing incident that occurred on that date in the 292nd CO A billet area, and your grandfather was wounded in this action. I'm I close Gary? Did you ever persue a Purple Heart for him?
Interesting, but not correct. Remember, the bombing was in 1945 and the 292nd was still at Camp Butner in 1944. Now that I check myself I see I kind of screwed up on this... I meant to put the date of May 19th! What a serious brain freeze! The bombing did occur on April 18th, but of 1945 so maybe this is what got my lines crossed. :( As for the Purple Heart, the only possibility is to get to the St Louis Center to see if there is information about the bombing that could assist in this in unit morning reports. I've never seen the names of the 10 guys lightly wounded in that incident and getting that list would solve for sure if his part in the incident was documented. Getting there is just not in the cards for me at this time (taking care of my 101 yr old grandmother), but down the road definitely.
Until next time,
Proud Grandson of Randall Gates
Mechanic, A and H&S Companies, 292nd Engineer Combat Battalion, 1149th Engineer Combat Group