From 21 - 25 September I took a trip to DC for work. When I got a chance I went to Arlington Memorial Cemetery and the WWII memorial One of the most moving experiences in my recent memory happened while walking around the Arlington. As I was walking around one of the less visited areas on the East side, colors began to play at Fort Meyer. I stood at attention (I was in civilian attire) and faced the music as they lowered the colors for the evening. Hearing that, in that special place, was a moving experience. I'm so happy to have been able to be there at the right time for that.
Later that evening, I made my way over to the WWII memorial to take some pictures. Once again, it was a moving experience - especially because it wasn't very crowded like it was the last time I was there.
There are a lot of pictures of both places on my Picasa page. Here are a few:
The USS Maine Memorial
For Rocky: