There are a lot of feelings I had when I first read "Farewell Tony Stefanelli". I would love to be able to tell you all of them at one time, but since that isn't possible, I'll try to break them down. I had that heart lowering, sad feeling when I first read the words but I don't want really want to say that this is necessarily sad for a couple of reasons. First off is my belief in God and that this life isn't the point, if you follow me. Secondly, he was 102 and you certainly couldn't say he didn't live a long, fruitful life. What I do feel is that sense of loss that we all get when someone we knew (regardless of how long) that we really liked. I only met him the once, but I really enjoyed my time with him. I only regret I didn't get to hang out more since he was such a great guy with awesome stories to tell. I would have really enjoyed spending more time with him, but it was not to be. I know he would have been surrounded by his children and grandkids at the end and that is the most important. I'll just have to wait until that great everything reunion in the sky.
Farewell Tony. You were certainly one of the good ones and you can't do much better than that.
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