Just the bit you posted is a great help. My father, Donald Sloan died in 1981 at the age of 69 and like many he did not talk a lot about the war per se but did have a lot of stories about his experience. Funny stuff. Like when he enlisted going through the cursory medical test. He indicated he was hard of hearing but the fellow who was filling out the forms apparently checked hemorrhoids instead. The next station he was asked to drop his drawers! No mention was ever made of hearing again. Fast forward. He was still in England after the troops left on D Day. A superior officer walked by my father and asked a question. Not hearing the officer my father put his hand behind his ear. The officer saluted back. Clearly other things on his mind.
He spoke of the cities he was in, castles and trains, people he met, the Ludendorff Bridge, and getting onboard ship to head back across the Atlantic. As they headed through the Panama Canal he was hoping they were going to sail to California and be discharged. Surprise! On to the Philippines.
I too have the list of home addresses of the 1058 ENGR Port Construction and Repair. 10 pages, legal size paper, double spaced two sides. Your father is on page 2.
I am very interested in the wherebouts of the 1058th if you are willing to share.