New Dutch contact

First of all a short introduction: my name is Frank Dumez, 50 years old, married/two children, and living in Westdorpe, a small village in het Southern part of Holland nearby the Belgian border and close to the river de Westerschelde (the Scheldt).


Although I'm from a much younger generation, we still pay respects to our Canadian liberators at our annual remembrance.


My general interest is World War-2, my particular interest is the Atlantikwall in West Zeeuws Vlaanderen during the Battle for the the Scheldt River Estuary (“Operation Switchback” ). I’ve studied literature,documents and War Memoirs/Diaries and also have contacts with the German Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv Freiburg and the Canadian McPherson Library(Special Collections) at Victoria.


One of the latest War Diaries I’ve been studying was 14th Field Regiment, 3th Canadian Division, 1st Canadian Army from oct.4th ‘44 till nov.9th ‘44“.


Since 2006 I try to get a brighter view on the liberation of our region and the Atlantikwall in West Zeeuws Vlaanderen during the Battle for the the Scheldt River Estuary by gathering information such as War Diaries / personal memoirs / documents / maps / regimental photos etc.

Please feel free to contact me !


All this work is non-profit I’m just a Dutch hobby historian with a special interest




Best Regards,



Frank Dumez

(email address removed by Marion)

Graafjansdijk A 180a

4554 AM




Messages In This Thread
New Dutch contact - by zeemacht - 09-20-2010, 04:02 PM
New Dutch contact - by CaptO - 09-20-2010, 04:35 PM
New Dutch contact - by Frank Gubbels - 09-20-2010, 05:31 PM
New Dutch contact - by Walt's Daughter - 09-20-2010, 07:01 PM

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