Estate Sale in tiny Ellensburg today

Like anyplace in the USA there are plenty of Summer yard sales in Ellensburg, but only an occasional Estate sale that I have the energy to wait in line for, and even fewer times when I find anything that interests me. This morning my luck FINALLY changed. I arrived 2 hours early for this one and found some great WWII related original items. It started badly for me as a short lady grabbed 3 of the 4 original WWII k rations boxes that I was reaching for. I said "let's split them " and she gave me one box.I wanted to smack her but she looked like she might be able to take me so I moved along, discretion being the better part of valor as they say...! :help::zelda: After putting my k-ration aside I rumbled through the house and made a B-line for the basement, where I found a veritable Holy Grail of TIME magazines from WWII...ALL IN NEAR MINT CONDITION!! As I was grabbing the best ones my earlier nemisis came around the corner. I growled at her, showing my teeth and she knew better than to try it again. I came away with about 25 issues of WWII TIME magazines which included covers of Hitler, Rommel, Rinehard Heydrich Musolini, President FDR and name a few. I also grabbed a stack of wartime issues of The Ellensburg Daily Record, our daily paper for good measure! Feeling fully vindicated I hauled my box of treasures back up the steps and outside to pay for them before my AFB (Aching---Back)gave out. My total for everything I mentioned plus 2 original USN photos came to $24.00! :wave2: This never happens to me...ever, so I'm a happy :woof: today! Have a Great Day Everybody!


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Estate Sale in tiny Ellensburg today - by Dogdaddy - 06-17-2011, 02:28 PM

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