introductory post herbert atlee downs aka burke

Hello.. I am the granddaughter of Herbert Atlee Downs aka Burke. Burke was from Germantown, MD and served in the army during the Battle of the Bulge. I know he received a purple heart but I have no details regarding this. His headstone reads that he was tec4. I recently ran across an ad in the Bulge Bugle 22 years late from an army buddy looking for him, but I believe this buddy has since passed. The ad gave me his unit info which was company a 324th combat engineer battalion 99th infantry division. The ad also mentions another buddy... Ben B. Potter with whom they shared a foxhole. Grandpa Burke died before I was born and my dad died when I was very young so this is the extent of my knowledge of his military history. I'd like to find anyone who may have known him or mr. Potter or mr. Kyser who placed the ad. Or if anyone can help me shed light on how to gain info on where he was and what his job may have been.


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introductory post herbert atlee downs aka burke - by laurenbeagregory - 11-29-2012, 05:01 PM

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