T-4 Chester Yates & Gilbert M Bush

Well you gotta love days like this. Here's a letter I received from this gentleman and I was able to get him together with the daughter of Gilbert M Bush.


Here's his letter and what transpired...


Hi, I'm SMSgt George Perkins currently stationed with the USAF in Germany. My unit adopted two graves at the American Military Cemetery in Margraten the Netherlands, which is about 30 miles from our base. Around Memorial Day each of the last 3 years we've had a wreath laying ceremony at the grave sites. We've located and swapped pictures with the widow and son of one of our adopted soldiers. In attempting to locate relatives of the other I came a crossed your site. First thanks for your efforts. It's a wonderful site that many must appreciate. Second, in one of the letter's you have posted it mentions our other soldier:


T-4 Chester R. Yates Ser. # 35719864

313th Unf, 79th Division

8 May 1945 Illinois


The letter begins:


12-13-2004 Dear Marion, Thank you for caring. I managed to obtain....


In this letter the lady mentions that her father was friends with T-4 Yates and info about his possessions. Would it be possible to forward my email to this lady to see if she has been in contact with his relatives, and if so could she pass on my contact info?


We're building a shadow box to display in our units main building to let the unit know as much as possible about the soldiers and to ensure care for the graves continues as new people come in and out of our unit. Thanks in advance for considering my request and thanks again for your efforts.


George Perkins SMSgt, USAF Geilenkirchen AB Germany


This is what I wrote back to him....


Hi George:


First thanks for the compliments. I take great pride in my dad's site. It has gone beyond my wildest expectations in just under a year. Not only have I been able to find info on he and his buddies and their unit, but as you can see, I now have info on other WWII vets and have been able to put a lot of people together. It's a great feeling.


I just wrote to Angie and will let you know as soon as I hear something back. I'm sure she will be happy to hear from you. I haven't heard from her in a couple of months, and I hope she has been able to find more info in the interim.


Stay tuned, I will get back with you as soon as I hear anything. God bless you for your efforts.


I then got in touch with Angela and here is our correspondence...


Hi Marion,

I do believe this is a sign - I'll let you know immediately.


Luv Ang.


Dear Ang:


Isn't this wonderful? That is why I always try to post the letters that people send me. As you can see in this case; you never know who will contact you? I am so happy that I could be the middle-man on this. I have put a lot of people together over the last several months and it has been an absolute joy!


Continued success,




Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Messages In This Thread
T-4 Chester Yates & Gilbert M Bush - by angelabchristian - 12-14-2004, 11:03 AM
T-4 Chester Yates & Gilbert M Bush - by Walt's Daughter - 04-12-2005, 05:56 PM
T-4 Chester Yates & Gilbert M Bush - by Custermen - 04-14-2005, 11:39 AM

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