Dear Marion How are you ??
I just finished to read the letters from Gilbert Stevenot to you (Steve)
I have been surprised to learn that he was working for the Nazis during the WW2
to the liberation of his village by American Troops
I have been schocked, knowing not exactly what kind of work he make for the
germans during four years, I canno't say nothing more about Steve, but I find
this story enough strange
I think send to you recently some accounts from years of war in Belgium
I have these stories in french, but I want translate all of them in English
The days of the liberation of th etown of Liège were amazing, with peoples
taking the G.I's as their guestsn hundreds or thoiusands of peoples dancing in the
streets all the day and night long, What a joy, happiness, and thankgiving to all
the young American , came from so far away for our liberty. Impossible to
forget these wonderful days
In 1994, for the 50th Anniversary for the landing at Normandy, the National
Arvhives and the Service Press of the U.S Army hav eedited two CD's, the first
about the landing at Normandy containig more than 600 photos, 2 Video's and others interesting accounts, the second was for the Battle of the Bulge with 750
pictures, 3 video's, 6 condensed books, interviews, maps etc
If you want them, I can send its to you, just for nothing, it will be a gift from me