Motorcycle Mystique

My husband Fred is a Harley guy. He got his first one (used, of course) when he was 14 years old and left the farm in New Brunswick on his third one to make his fortune in the world. He was bound for Toronto, a distance of 1000 miles. The chain broke 3 times, once in a driving thunderstorm. Of course, he fixed it; people who grow up on farms usually learn to fix things themselves because farmers, you should know, never have any money.


Eventually, he made his way to the US where his chances of making his fortune improved considerably. Having already learned to fly an airplane, courtesy of the Canadian government, he bought his first plane. Then a second. Then a third. It's still our back yard. Some of it here, some of it there. He claims he going to put it back together and go flying again. Yes, dear. Meanwhile, he bought a Harley again, one of those 100th Anniversary series, black, sleek, beautiful. Studies show that the love of speed is the common denominator and that it's not unusual for men to graduate from motorcycles to airplanes and back. Never boats. Too Slow. The only thing is (and this is where I would be in deep doo-doo if he knew I was telling this) he found out, much to his chagrin, that at 65 he was no longer the strong, young bull he was at 18, 19, and 20. Man, I mean to tell you, that sucker is HEAVY. He took it down to the market one evening for bread, milk, and eggs when it was still new and having parked it, as he was getting off, he lost it. It tipped over on its side. He couldn't pick it up! He had to ask this guy passing by for HELP. Now, you know that hurts. If there are certain things my husband hates to do they are 1) ask for HELP and 2) ask for DIRECTIONS. Two years have passed since he got it. He loves it, as do I, riding behind him on occasion, with the radio blaring out Oldies and Goodies from the 50s and 60s. So far, we've not taken a spill. I imagine if we ever did I probably wouldn't be writting here any longer, but...which is better? Sitting safe at home or living a little? And, oh, by the way. He hasn't "lost" it since that time at the market. Either he's been working those biceps of his or he's just got reacquainted with the Harley again. Ah, my prince! :heartpump:




Messages In This Thread
Motorcycle Mystique - by 3_7_I_Recon - 07-11-2005, 09:47 PM
Motorcycle Mystique - by Walt's Daughter - 07-12-2005, 02:23 PM
Motorcycle Mystique - by texas38 - 07-12-2005, 07:11 PM
Motorcycle Mystique - by Walt's Daughter - 07-12-2005, 07:18 PM
Motorcycle Mystique - by Cadetat6 - 07-16-2005, 11:53 AM

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