Quote: " Marion,
Those were great ad's for cigarette but I never seen a news-paper. Too busy plowing through rice paddy's. On some of the Islands the Red Cross was charging G.I. for the smokes." Forgive me but never saw the Red Cross selling cigarettes. This was a P.X.
thing with rations plus we were issued a carton of butts when ever possible on the line.
Also, K and C arations also held small packages when not supplied as such. Also, when
going into the hospital in France, I was given a "dity bag" by the Red Cross containing a
paperback novel, cigarettes, candy, toothbrush razor etc. at no charge. On unfrequent
meetings with the Red Cross we were given FREE coffee and doughnuts when behind the lines if they were there. To me the Red Cross was one hell of a good outfit in my estimation.