T-4 Chester Yates & Gilbert M Bush

Two great letters from Angie:




Hi Marion,


Just a quick update:


I've booked my ticket to Philadelphia 10th - 17th October and will be making

contact with some of my dad's family. Scarey stuff, but, something I just

have to do.


I don't know what they will make of me, hopefully it will be a pleasant

experience all round.


I'll be able to visit my grandparents grave in Greenwood cemetery and who

knows what else might turn up.


I haven't heard anything from Sgt. Perkins. Maybe he has hit a brick wall

like me on so many occasions.


I am now an associate member of the 29th Infantry which is an honour and a

privilege and can now call myself a 29er "lets Go".


Wish me luck on my flight over (I'm petrified).


Gosh I'm so brave ha ha.





Dear Angie:


Wow, I am so proud of you and so delighted with how far you have come in so little time. I sit here tonight thinking what an awesome thing this really is and I am so honored that I play an integral part of this puzzle.


I read your letter to my hubby tonight and asked him if he remembered the story behind it all. He said he did and was enthralled by everything that had transpired.


I wish I could meet you in Pennsylvania, but we will miss each other by a mere few weeks. I am flying there for a combat engineer's reunion in late September for 4 days. How I wish that we could meet in person.


Please keep me informed. I know you are scared but I admire your fortitude and courage. You are a ten in my book. May God and our fathers in heaven guide your hand.


Love and hugs, Marion



You know Marion, it's hard to put into words the way I'm feeling at this



It's a mixture of sheer fear and overwhelming excitement. I still can't

believe it's actually happening. Little old me finally making my mark in

life. I know my dad is behind it all, I couldn't have done it on my own.

He's guided me every step of the way and also recruited all the special

people in the world to help i.e. you in particular.


What a shame that we will just miss each other, but, I will keep you in my

thoughts when I arrive.


Marion, keep up the fantastic job you are doing and tell your husband I

think he is a star, we forget how time consuming searching can be and it's

great to have someone there in the background who understands.


Look at me, I have dragged poor Roy all over the place and never once has he

moaned. He just goes with the flow, he is also a star.


Enjoy your trip to Philadelphia and spare a thought for me during the second

week of October.


One other coincidence. My nephew also Gilbert M Bush, has a birthday on

15th October which is also my wedding anniversary, so I think I might just

part-take of the Vino on that day.


Luv Ang.




Dear Ang:


Yes, I can imagine that words are pretty hard to come by at this time. Your mind and heart must be racing a mile a minute. I am so, so happy for you and can't wait to hear all the details once you return home.


I have decided to extend my trip in September and leave early so I can fly to DC. First I am going to visit the WWII monument, then drive up to College Park Maryland and visit the National Archives for a day. I will pick up all the records for my dad's unit. Man am I ever excited. From there I will drive up to the reunion and spend three days there. This is going to be some trip and I know like you, that my dad has guided my hand in all this. I couldn't have done it without him acting as my guardian angel. :-)


I will have a toast to you and you can do the same for me. You are frequently in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully someday we can meet when I plan a trip to jolly ol' England.


Hugs to you. My best to you and your family (new and old)


Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Messages In This Thread
T-4 Chester Yates & Gilbert M Bush - by angelabchristian - 12-14-2004, 11:03 AM
T-4 Chester Yates & Gilbert M Bush - by Custermen - 04-14-2005, 11:39 AM
T-4 Chester Yates & Gilbert M Bush - by Walt's Daughter - 08-23-2005, 01:21 PM

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