Your mention of Ft. Lenard Wood brought back old memories for me
I took Infantry and Engineer training at Lenard Wood, Mo. way back in 1951.
As I recall, Infantry training was quite severe especially when you have blisters on your feet from the marching and catching Plueresy while continuing with the training so that you wouldn't get sent back in the training and have to do it all over again.
As a young draftee and a young "snot", I was afraid to give up and leave my buddies by going to the hospital. So I weathered thru it and after 16 weeks of the "torture", I got 16 days leave and then went to Seattle for a boat ride to Japan and then to Korea.
Some of the guys I trained with, went over to Korea with me and only one went with me to the 430th Engineers.
Yes, Ft. Lenard Wood was where my Army life started and tried to prepare me for a year in the lovely land of the "Rising Sun".
Korea Jack