Great diary of the events. I reads very similiar to the diary of Pvt Brown that I have on my website. Here are some comments. I thought maybe this will help your decypher the hand-writing if it is unclear.
Wednesday 26, a S.S.T. boat was hit
Probably a reference to an L.S.T. ship or Landing Ship Troops.
Got off boat in Netuna (Netunno)
Nettuno is near town of Anzio and site of the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery, where 7,862 Americans are buried and a memorial commemorates the 3,094 Americans missing in action who were never found.
Mon Jan. 31, 1944 . . . . . Shells coming over were German 88s and on raids planes dropped rocket bombs, which were claimed to be radio bombs, which go straight to iron targets. Monday night moved up to front lines as infantry to make a defensive line so 179th division could make a push.
Correct on the radio guided bombs. They were known as the Fritz Bombs and were the first true "smart bombs". They were first used by the Germans against the Italian navy when they surrendered. Then used again at Anzio harbor.
179th Division should be 179th Infantry Regiment of the 45th Division. Pvt Paul Brown was a member of this. See his diary at Pvt Paul Brown's Diary.
Wed, Feb. 2, 1944 In observe hole. Didn’t get any sleep or rest. One Lt. got hurt in first attack. Lt. Col Hanssan was said to be the one that go us on this job. Shells were landing right in front of our hole. Night was relieved by 1st Armored force of half Canadian and half American troops.
The description matches the unit known as the 1st Special Services Forces, which was a battalion-size ranger unit that was known as the "Devil's Brigade".
BTW, it was at Anzio, where Ernie Pyle came close to getting killed when an artillery shell hit on the other side of a wall of the building he was in. It shook him up for several days but he found the courage to go back out into the field.
Hope this helps.