Sole Common Camp, England-Which Engineers?

Wow, talk about results!




It is very kind of you to offer to make the call, If you could ask for a mailing address and wether it would be OK to send a long list of questions, I would be in your debt. This way it will work out cheapest all round.




Your map is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for; period evidence linking units to places. Interesting that it says Welford Park (Sole Common is still part of the Welford Park estate), I've now got 3 names for USAAF station 424!

If you e-mail me direct we can swap addresses, so that I can recieve a copy and reimburse you for copying and shipping to the UK.





Cheers all! :drinkin:


Messages In This Thread
Sole Common Camp, England-Which Engineers? - by jim harriss - 01-01-2006, 03:02 PM

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