Sole Common Camp, England-Which Engineers?



Just got off the phone with Byron Armbruster. What a great gentleman. Was afraid that I had reached a dead-end, when I called the number I had given you. I got a message machine and was in the middle of leaving a message, when someone picked up the phone. I asked for Byron and the guy said he didn't live there anymore. Oh sigh! I then asked if he had a contact number and he said, wait, let me look. Yes, he did. The gentleman said his name was Ron and if I talked to Byron I was to tell him he said hi and sent his best.


So, I called the second number and to my surprise I got a hold of Byron. I explained that I was given his name and number by Mark Bando. At first it didn't ring a bell and then I said, "Mark Bando, author of several 101st books." "Oh yes", he replied, "Mark".


I then explained that a friend had contacted me who was conducting archeological work in England, and was looking for any information he could gather. Told him that I contacted Mark Bando, hoping he could help, and that Mark said to call you. I then explained that it was difficult for you to call from England, and that I offered my assistance.


I told him about my work and how others contacted me for research, etc. He then asked where I lived and I told him, Michigan. Oh, he exclaimed. That's where we are having a reunion in Frankenmuth. Yes I told him, I know all about that and went on to say that I was hoping to attend. He said he would be there and he was hoping to meet me. I said that I knew several other members of the 101st including, Don Burgett and George Koskimaki. You know George, he asked surprisingly? Oh ya! Gee, George is a very good friend of mine, he chimed. So I told him I was planning on calling George this weekend and would send his regards.


He told me he was 92. I couldn't believe it and told him so. Ya, he said, many people tell him the same. I said how honored I was to speak with him and thanked him for his time. Told him I would make sure I told George about our conversation.


He would love to hear from you. Best of luck Jim! :pdt34:


I'll write to you in private with his address. I don't like posting those on the net, unless instructed to do so.



Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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Sole Common Camp, England-Which Engineers? - by Walt's Daughter - 01-12-2006, 07:25 PM

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