I noticed that you sent me some posts that I think you wanted to post here. They were sent to my Email Inbox. You address certain people in them including me, so I am taking the liberty of posting them here.
Custerman; Yes Anzio was not very big and NO we did not
look up at the airshow. We just tried to dig our foxholes a
little deeper and kept our heads and azzez down.
The combat engineers just before daylite they had a jeep
rigged up and they would go like a bat out nof hell with
a FOGGER rigged in the back and laid a smoke screen for
Talking about ANZIO, we wuz there. Anybody hear of
the 34th.I.D. The 1st. Ranger Bn. was there also. That
Bn. was started in Ireland with Cpt. Darby and 80% of the
men were from the 34th. Yes Anzio was hell.hole, just
like Monte Cassino. (the town and the abbey).Puro
MexoAmericano. Roque
Texas38; I salute the 36th Divn. And for what its worth
I was with the 34th Divn. Salerno to North of Bologna,
A little over 8oo miles. PLUS the 36th had a whole lot
of my countrymen! Remember the Alamo! joke.
Somewhere I saw that you recommended the book Dogfaces Who Smiled Through Tears. I too highly recommend that book. I read it during the summer of 2004 and it is listed on my Books Page on the main site.
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"